Music Videos

SuperFly SurfSpy
Surfing and dancing are quite closely related. While you do either, you can't think about anything else....and when you're done, you feel infinitely better than when you started! In this case, our heroine, SuperFly SurfSpy, does both. Of course.

Picture the base of the Golden Gate bridge, waves crashing. Early morning mist evaporates as the pinks and peaches of dawn break over an inky sea. One woman, cloaked in a wetsuit, paddles into a double-overhead monster, crouches and dominates. A Mission Impossible-type soundtrack pounds in the background. Cut to five wetsuited creatures who paddle in, scale the rocky shore, set down their boards, and break beats, in synch as the undercover SurfSpy story unfolds.

The music videos will feed blog traffic and fuel book sales. Advertisers/ Co-Marketers will appear on the blog and video sites.